Wang Bea 哲一智 493032466 葉筱慈
Wang Bea
Here is a mysterious Taoist temple. In other to have an interview with Mr. Wang Bea, we ask a favor o f spirit medium here. This spirit medium doesn’t think that this thing let everyone of society disturb his live, so we are very sorry that we can’t talk any thing about here. But our special correspondent-Zoë will finish this assignment for you.
Zoë: Hello everyone, my name is Zoë. I feel honored that Mr. Wang Bea (王弼) would graft my interview form decedent’s country. Would you say hallo to all persons will read this interview, Mr. Wang Bea?
Wang Bea: Yes. Hello everybody. My name is Wang Bea, and I am always twenty-two years old. This is the great and interesting experience to me about this interview.
Zoë: I think some of people don’t know you very much. Could you introduce yourself simply?
Wang Bea: I was born in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China. When I was a child, many persons consider that I am a genius because I am very smart in the way about China literature. I completed my first writing in my seventeenth year of my human life. My writing was recognized by some important men who study in mysterious doctrine and let me become a significant authoritative. Everyone in that time expected my growing, but I dead early. The heavy sick get my young live.
Zoë: When you study scholarship about China literature, who did affect you very much?
Wang Bea: The men who effect me very much are Lao-tse (老子) and Chuang-tzu (莊子). Their thinking and theories affected all learned men in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China. In addition, Wang Xiang(王充) in the Eastern Han Dynasty also affected me very much. my good teacher nice friend-He Yan(何晏) help me in many ways.
Zoë: Could you talk about how did your teacher, He Yan, help you?
Wang Bea: Many people are jealous of someone who has better knowledge, but my teacher is different with them. He has great sentiment-to pardon and appreciate any gifted scholar. If l did not have his appreciation and promoting, I could not have achievement and get so good reputation when I was so young.
Zoë: You are the significant authoritative of mysterious doctrine in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of China. Could you talk about your doctrine of metaphysics?
Wan Bea: No problem. My doctrines of metaphysic contain three focal points. Foremost is about “What is the Nature?”, second is about “the Nature and the Confucian ethical code”, and third is about “the Nature and political”.
Zoë: What is “What is the Nature”? Is your “the Nature” the same with Lao-tse’s and Chuang-tzu’s?
Wang Bea: No, my “Nature” is different with Lao-tse’s and Chuang-tzu’s. Lao-tse’s “Nature” means “to follow the example of someone”. Human follows the example of ground, ground follows the example of manifestation of God’s will, and manifestation of God’s will follows the example of the nature law. The nature law is the Nature. Lao-tse also called the nature law to “the Way”(道). Chuang-tzu thought “the Nature is the way, and the way is the Nature” directly. I agree their thinking. But their “Nature” opposes every man-made thing that consisted of kind or good actions, my “Nature” objects to sham, example fishing for fame.
Zoë: Sorry…… I think I don’t know what you mean.
Wang Bea: That’s all right. My keynote about the Nature is “The nature law is the Nature”. What is the nature law? It is “don’t interfere anything”- let anything get free to develop. IN other words, “Nil is Nature”. Beside Lao-tse and Chuang-tzu, Wang Xiang also influenced me so much.
Zoë: Why?
Wang Bea: First at all, let me talk about Wang Xiang’s doctrine. I was not first man to project about these two thinking-” The nature law is the Nature” and “Nil is the Nature”. Wang Xiang regarded that producing of all thing on earth is nature- the nature law didn’t intervene all things’ developing. He didn’t approve providence had will. I also advocated so. As a matter of fact, our theories had many same contents.
Zoë: What is your different?
Wang Bea: Wang Xiang deemed the foundation of all things was the “Gas”, and anything’s happening is the accident. But I didn’t approve so-I though the foundation of all things was “Nil”. For one thing I denied the material world exists, for another thing the Nature and the Confucian ethical code has no clash with each other. Some later learned men think my sense about universe is a sheer fabrication outing of nothing and it is the opposite direction to Wang Xiang.
Zoë: You just refereed to Confucian ethical code. What the relation do they have?
Wang Bea: Confucian ethical code means the relation between the king and his ministers. From the Han Dynasty (206B.C.-A.D.220), beside pass the test, people who want to be the government officials could be recommend if they were a filial piety or honest men. But most of people who were elected were not real dutiful sons or white anted persons. Some men started to think the worth of Confucian school ethics. It was important question how to finish the crisis of the Confucian ethical code. In order to finish this, I want to find the power of Taoism, Lao-tse, and Chuang-tzu. Many men of learning in that time think the Nature and the Confucian ethical code could not be at the same time, so I also put forward to refute. The Confucian ethical code belongs to the Nature.
Zoë: How to use your “Nature” in political?
Wang Bea: In political, I also stand for “Nil is Nature”. King is only one person, but he has many people of his nation. It is impassable to control everyone by himself. He want King let his people develop freely, and his people will bring into play their inborn ability. To live together peacefully can get peace reigns over the land.
Zoë: Would you speak on us about philosophy of persons’ life with your proposition?
Wang Bea: Go with the Nature and disclaim all achievements. Don’t rely on your petty trick and indulge your desire. People will lose their pure inherent quality if they keep artificial efforts. We must hold our heart like the innocent heart of a child to save from damage. The most important things are to make your home, be the man of consider able culture, and far away any dangerous.
Zoë: Did you be as good as your words when you still live in that time?
Wang Bea: I think I must be honest to tell you: I didn’t. So many later scholars consider that I speak one way and think another. Have they though about one thing?-my live is very short. If I have more live, I must achieve my thinks.
Zoë: Do you know what appraise your theory get form later?
Wang Bea: Beside that I just said, some later scholars of history regard my theory bring a big bad effecting. A lot of intellectuals in that time were completely informal and consider their actions were my “Nature”. Nobody cared about politics, military affairs, and people’s livelihood. All day they were regaling with wine and told about vague and general opinions. Let the Northern and Southern Dynasties want to feeble and die.
Zoë: Could I ask you about your thinking about the later scholars’ appraise to you?
Wang Bea: That is real not my duty! Those intellectuals doglegged my thinking to try to escape reality, but that were no any relation with me!
Zoë: Please don’t excite, this table isn’t bear your pat……
Wang Bea: I am sorry very much, but I am angry when I recall this thing. My theory doesn’t wreck the country and bring ruin to the people, because my real intention is to change hypocritical current tendencies.
Zoë: Although some scholars gave you bad appraise, they also give your theory with best evaluate. All of they think your doctrine is a great and important breakthrough in the China ideological understanding.
Wang Bea: At long last, they talk some words about me with their conscience.
Zoë: Would you publish your thinking about today modern society?
Wang Bea: Today, more and more people use false mask to get long with each other. Although you have more and more convenient live, your heart also gets more and more lonesome. You have to reference my theory to chance this phenomenon.
Zoe: Your thinking is a milepost of China philosophy. Thank you very much.
Wang Bea: You are welcome. Thanks.
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