Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Pythagoras 哲一智 493032284 陳澤婷


One day Tina was traveling on the street, and she ran into Pythagoras then they started a conversation.

Tina: How do you do Mr. Pythagoras?
Pythagoras: Not bad! I am living in a holy world!
Tina: May I ask you some questions?
Pythagoras: Sure! Of course you can!

Tina: Where were you born? Where did your scholarly thoughts grow?
Pythagoras: I was born in the Samos Island . I was the person of Ionien, but my thoughts were grown at Croton on the southern coast of Italy. So most of what you know is based on the writings of my later disciples.

Tina: Did you have ever studied from any teacher?
Pythagoras: Uh ~ I have even studied from Thales. I left from my home to his hometown ~ Miletus, being appreciated him to teach me lots of mathematical knowledge.

Tina: What was your teacher’s thought?
Pythagoras: He said “Water is the source of everything, and the earth is based on water, and everything has a soul.”

Transmigration of souls

Tina: If it could, do you want to live in the world longer than you do it?
Pythagoras: Actually, I wish I could stay in the world shorter than I did because I consider our bodies as jails. And our souls were poisoned by it.

Tina: How to solve “soul”?
Pythagoras: We have to make the sensational experiences not to affect us in order to achieve a happy world as possible as we could.

Orphic Mysteries

Tina: I heard you constructed a mysterious organization, could you introduce it?
Pythagoras: Actually, I can’t tell you details because you’re not our members! What I can say is all of us have to abide by strict rules, but what we research can’t be revealed except our members.

Tina: Could you say something about your rules?
Pythagoras: Alright! We prohibit from eating leguminous food, walking on the artery, and sitting on the container. Tina: I have heard that as entering your organization, the person must say some words?
Pythagoras: Oh! Yes, it is true! I ask them not to divulge any discovery concerning mathematics.

Tina: Why don’t you eat meat? Do you go on a diet?
Pythagoras: Of course not! I suppose everybody has a soul, including of animals. Perhaps, you eat the meat in which your friends’ souls live! Tina: Why do you think so? Pythagoras: One day I saw a dog that was beaten, and I realized the soul of it was my friend by its sob!

Tina: What is the “purify” by your definition?
Pythagoras: People who can cast off bodies is “purify”, the “purify” was a kind of soul purify! We have to do that by “music” and “sport”! Soul identifies harmony!

Tina: Are you the man who has the most intelligence?
Pythagoras: No, I just Philo-sophia that is mend love the wisdom. Tina: Do you know what? Pythagoras: what? Tina: Nowadays, people are regarding it as philosophy!

Tina: How many kinds of people do you distinguish?
Pythagoras: I distinguished people into three kinds: First the people love money. Ex: peddlers. Second the people love reputation. Ex: The man takes part in match. Third the people love wisdom or theory. The last kind of people can obtain happiness.

Tina: Why can we purify soul by music?
Pythagoras: The number interacts with the number in music was harmony and soul identifying harmony.

Tina: What do you realize the essence of world?
Pythagoras: The essence of world is “figure”. There is a very important relation with “music”, and it has perfect distance with “harmony”! The figure combined with each other was holy!

Tina: Why the essence of world is “figure”?
Pythagoras: Because everything is countable, “1” is point,”2” is line, “3” is plane, “4” is solid and “10” is perfect figure. “10” is the total of them.

Tina: Why singular and even number is opponent?
Pythagoras: Everything has two opposite things integrated effect also were the persa and apeiron. Tina: Do you still have any other concert expect it?
Pythagoras: Uh~ I think singular is kind and even number is evil.

Tina: What is the center in the cosmos?
Pythagoras: “Fire”. Other celestials all surrounding the “Fire’ and orbiting in it.

Tina: What is “Fire”?
Pythagoras: I and my disciples don’t see the earth as round and view the earth as not center of the cosmos. The earth, planets and sun all surround the “Fire” orbiting.

Tina: What is your disciple-Alcamaeon of Croton’s thoughts?
Pythagoras: He thinks harmony identifies health, figure’s proportion is stable, stability identifies science, and disease identifies unharmonious

Tina: Why harmony identifies health?
Pythagoras: Because he was a doctor and he discover brain can control everything’s thoughts as to regard brain as the center of thoughts.

Tina: How about your disciple-Io of chios?
Pythagoras: He considers “3” as the most presidential figure in the world; “3” represents a kind of stabilization.

Tina: Thank you for answering! Nice to talk to you!
Pythagoras: Me too, I’m glad to chat with you!


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