Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hui-nun 哲學一智 493032521 戴子翔

Hello~everybody!My name is Ben.Today is a good day. I want to visit a important man for China's Buddhism. He is Hui-nun(慧能).

Ben:How are you,master?
Hui-nun:Fine,thank you.
Ben:Well,master.I am a Fu jen catholic university’s student.I major in philosophy.I have some question.Can I…
Hui-nun:OK!OK!Come on.Don’t be shy.
Ben: Thanks.

Ben:Could you introduce yourself?
Hui-nun:My first name is Lu. I was born in Hebei. I am the sixth generation master of Zen(禪宗). I learned Buddhist doctrine with Hung-Jen(弘忍) who is the most popular teacher in buddhish at that time. At first I am not a monk. In fact, I am a worker….

Ben:What is the most important thing in your life?
Hui-nun:When I went to find my teacher(means 弘忍) . He asks me :Where do you come from? And what things you want? (汝何方人﹖欲求何物﹖) I answer him that I come from Heibei, I want to be a Buddha(佛…). (弟子是嶺南新州百姓,遠來禮祖惟求作佛,不求餘物。)When he herd my asking. He asked me: You lived in Heibei…you couldn't be Buddha. (嶺南獦獠若為堪作佛?) Because Heibei's Buddhism is not popular in that time. But I don’t give up. People have area’s difference, but buddhish doesn’t have.( 人有南北,佛性豈有南北﹖獦獠身與和尚不同,佛性有何差別﹖) At that time, my life was different.

Ben:How do you become the sixth generation master of Zen?
Hui-nun: It has been eight month since I work for Hung-Jen. In one day, he asked us to give him a poet. His big disciple (Shen-Hsiu神秀) wrote one that is “ I was in the bodhi tree, My heart was like the mirror , Wiping it all the time, Don’t make it dirty.” (身是菩提樹,心如明鏡台,時時勤拂拭,莫使有塵埃。) But I don’t approval his parlance. I thought “Bodhi is not a tree, My heart is not a mirror , There are nothing, So it doesn’t become dirty.”(菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非臺,本來無一物,何使惹塵埃。) So Hung-Jen appoints me to be the sixth generation master of Zen.

Ben:What are you doing after you becoming the sixth generation of Zen?
Hui-nun: I lived in the mountains for 15 years. Because I am in dangerous under the condition. So I choice to evade. In 676, I met Ying-Tsung 印宗 at Guangzhou. I baptized by him. At that time, I become a real monk.

Ben: Do you have regrets?
Hui-nun: Of course. The most biggest regret in my life is that I am a illiteracy. So I can’t read classic. But it also symbols illiteracy could achieve wisdom.

Ben:Have you ever been a special thing after you be the sixth generation master of Zen?
Hui-nun: Oh…yes! When I was in Guangzhou. I met two guys. They are discussion when the wind blew a flag. The one thought that is wind making it sport. The other thought that is flag is sporting. (二僧論風幡義,一曰風動,一曰幡動,議論不已) I tell them that are not wind and flag are sporting, it is your heart.( 不是風動,不是幡動,仁者心動)

Ben: What is buddhish?
Hui-nun: Fa-Hai(法海) ask me that “heart is god?"( 即心即佛,願垂指諭﹗)I answer him that “when you don’t think the first thing that is heart. And the thinking doesn’t appear is god. Doing everything is heart. Leaving everything is god. If I tell you everything, you will get troubles. ” (前念不生即心,後念不滅即佛。成一切相即心,離一切相即佛。吾若具說,窮劫不盡。)

Ben:How do you think about Huai-Jang(懷讓禪師)?
Hui-nun: When he visit me, I ask him" The creation how to produce?” (什麼物恁麼來﹖) It says “it’s not like a thing.”(說似一物即不中。)he said. I ask him “Could you provide it?” (還可修證否?) 修證即不無,污染即不得he said. I tell him that即此不污染,諸佛之所護念,汝既如是,吾亦如
是。He knows what I say.

Ben:How do you think Fang-Pien(方辯)?
Hui-nun:When I teach buddish 40 years. My student want to make a tower for requiting favors.方辯visit me said he is good in carving. (善捏塑) I told him trying to do. (試塑看) And I told him that “You are good in carving, but you don’t know buddish.” (汝善塑性,不善佛性)

Ben:In the end, what do you want to tell us?
Hui-nun: No. Oh, only one thing. You are very bother.

Nnnnn…… Thanks……


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